Saturday, December 22, 2012

English : Uprak

Waktu jaman sekolah pasti ada nakalnya, hihi
Ini adalah essay yang gw ambil di internet, gw print, dan gw masukin ke tempat pensil yang gede. Hahaha
Waktu Ujian Praktek, yaudah, tinggal buka tempat pensil deh, sambil nulis di kertas folio bergaris, :D

If One Step Multiplied, there will be a huge step to change the impossibilities

The Indonesian youth are asked to continue themselves to always have a achievement. I just wanted to convey that we sometimes wait for others to make right decisions of the problems we all face.  However, from ourselves there is no willingness to contribute at all. 

For example, in terms of education, parents of a child X, berate the government of Indonesia. They said that the people who sit in government can only corruption, and people who are given the mandate to deliver the aspirations just sleep and skip meeting. At the same time, their children are given the facility so much without reminding the child to continue to diligently study, in which indirectly they don’t prioritize their education. 

They just give money, money and money. Leaving no provision for their future like science and morality.
From that illustration we can conclude that our life is journey, if we breakdown we will consist of the results of cause and effect or action-reaction. So, the impact of the behavior of parents who don’t prioritize their children education will produce a generation of immoral, greedy and uneducated.

So, guys, if you want us not to be bullied by others, we really should educate our self to be a better person. To rule the world. To rule our country. Make a little step of our own life, if all Indonesian doing that, we will have a huge step to bring us for a better future. Imagine if all people learn well and truly, the occupation of Indonesia, which consists of 230 million people, together to be educated and to manage natural resources, then it can turn Indonesia into Superpower State


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